Tuesday, 17 September 2013

(Random-ness Level: Salika) "From Ramadhan, story about losing my Relationship and Bussiness subjects"

Hi Salika’s Story, It’s been very long time!

A lot of things happened since the last time I posted something in here until now.
Now I’m gonna tell a lot of random things.

Start with my Ramadhan that I spent 20 days of it with my Ali, our relationship still goes up and down, and all the new things in this new semester.

Ramadhan this year was so full of "berkah" and happiness from Allah from me. Fasting and sahoor with Ali. Until the 21st day of Ramadhan I went back to Indonesia, left him with his friends in Malaysia. I was so so so sad because i could not spend our Hari Raya together. But yeah, mom always can heal my sadness, specially her foooodd!!! xD

One thing happened on the fourth Hari Raya. We were almost breaking up. Anyway, the day after that we still together because it all was only "almost".

Talking about breaking up, it is still a scary thing for me. I love him a lot! I trust him, not only about jealous-ness if other girl trying being "genit" to him but also trust him for being my wall. If you know me very well, i would rather tell any problem of mine to the wall rather than telling it to a human. I dont know why, maybe I'm just feeling more secure. And he can be the wall for me. I told him everything about me, my past, my family, my bad side, my good side, my black, my white and my pink. Everything means everything!

Yeah sometimes I also talk to you, my lovely blog! but haha trust me, he knows more. He is a very secure place for me to throw all the things from inside me.

And today, I lost him.
No, I'm serious.
I lost him.
Almost completely losing him. 
Funny? haha trust me, I swear, that was enough for me to feel the feeling of breaking up with him.
And I swear I dont wanna feel that feeling anymore.

He is the only friend I have in here. If I lose him, then I lose everything.
He leads me to build a good "New Me".
Not like other guys outside there who brings their girl to keep dreaming and hoping, he leads me to know what I suppose to reach day by day.

We both tired dreaming about future and those kind of things.

He told me, lakuin aja yg terbaik buat hari ini, so hari ini bakal ngebimbing kita ke masa depan yg baik buat kita.

Ah, thank you Allah for all the happiness.

Ok done about him, I feel like calling him now and say I miss him, a lot!
Hey, this 21st is our 6th month. I 'm planning to do something with him, because we both love to go to places, maybe me and him gonna explore Malaysia more as a tourist! ah it will be fun! Nevermind, I still have some more days to think about it :)

And yeah, I have to do all the assignments before all the plans for this month (I'm gonna tell you about our Anniversary plan and did I tell you that I'm gonna come to Yovie and His Friends concert?, aaaaaa Kahitna I'm comiiiiiinnnggg!!!). Huh, who said that business subjects are easy? NO! not at all! I've never learnt about those subjects before and this semester I have to start taking some subjects of business. I miss biology :(