Friday, 25 January 2013

"I Don't Wanna Miss A Thing"

I could stay awake just to hear you breathing
Watch you smile while you are sleeping
While you're far away and dreaming
I could spend my life in this sweet surrender
I could stay lost in this moment forever
Where every moment spent with you is a moment I treasure

Lying close to you feeling your heart beating
And I'm wondering what you're dreaming
Wondering if it's me you're seeing
Then I kiss your eyes
And thank God we're together
I just want to stay with you in this moment forever
Forever and ever

I don't want to close my eyes
I don't want to fall asleep
Cause I'd miss you babe
And I don't want to miss a thing
Cause even when I dream of you
The sweetest dream will never do
I'd still miss you babe
And I don't want to miss a thing

I don't want to miss one smile
I don't want to miss one kiss
I just want to be with you
Right here with you, just like this

I just want to hold you close
Feel your heart so close to mine
And just stay here in this moment
For all the rest of time 

Don't want to close my eyes
I don't want to fall asleep
And I don't want to miss a thing


Those words are everything that I feel whenever I'm you.. ahh just ignore it, you will never read this eventhough you told me that you will read my blog one time.. but I know you very well.. you will never read this blog :)
One time if you read this, you will know how was I love you..You will know that there was a girl that really loved you. Angela said "maybe one time when you read this blog, I already forget about you." (Friday, 25 January 2013 "KZSA")
who's Angela? klik >>> Angela Kartini

Thursday, 24 January 2013

24 January 2013, You were in my dream!


I dreamed about you last night.. it was the shortest 10 hours in my life. Everything goes fast when i'm with you.

You looked so happy, seems like you were enjoying your time with me. You gave me hugs and kisses.. I can  feel your warm hug until now when I woke up, after you woke me up and I let you go, from my dream.

I remember your wide smile, your laugh, your voice..

And I also remember how you talked so rude to me. I remember how hurt when you never treat me nicely. You can't even pretend as a nice guy, as a "more than friend" only for 10 hours!

oh ya, I forgot, it was just a dream! I can't do anything..

But I can remember so clearly what you've said to me, "you are the real fake one! be original.. like me"

yeah, I'm a fake girl! I'm hiding all the things, I'm pretending as the good one! is that all the things that you think about me?

Yes, I am! I'm pretending that I'm not angry when you left me, I'm not sad when I saw your face with her so close (yeah, i'm not your girlfriend.. but I remember that you dont have any girlfriend), I'm not crying when I miss you, I'm not sad when you blammed me about anything that I didn't do.. yeah, I'm the fake one.

I'm waiting for the moment when you give me hugs and kisses from your heart, not for only to make me happy and fly away. I'm waiting until you say "I miss you" because I've never heard you say it to me. I'm not wishing you love me back, we can never force our heart to love someone.. but please be gentle, show that you want and show that you don't want. Don't make me fly and throw me away just like that as a shit.

This morning must be a beautiful morning.

Did you know that I was planning to ask your last hug before I let you go? but I couldn't say it.. that words was stucked in my throat. It just a dream.. it was only a dream.. I can't do anything.

Help me to forget about you.. at least to not wishing the "REAL" one of you..

It was a sweet dream ever!

For those who never have a sweet dream like that, you can just imagine in the real life you could spend your time with someone you love, and you can feel his/her hugs and kisses even their warm smile.

I promised to myself that I wanted to forget about you.. but I can't!

Thursday, 10 January 2013

24 Desember, yeah I'm already 19 years old!

Ditengah kegalauan yang mendalam, pikiran yang gak pernah bener, aku mengumumkan bahwa sekarang aku udah 19 tahun!!

Gak ada perayaan apapun untuk menandainya. Tapi sebulan sebelumnya aku udah berfikir untuk mengganti perayaan dan kado ulang tahun dari mama dengan sebuah biola dan satu paket kursus biola sebanyak 8 kali pertemuan.

Beberapa hari sebelum 24 Desember aku pergi ke toko musik dan daftarin diri di Mozart Institute. Semakin dekat dengan hari ulang tahun aku gak ada berharap apa-apa dari org rumah karna aku udah “make” hadiah ulang tahun aku.

Di tanggal 23 Desember, pipi, ade sepupu aku tidur di rumah aku. Yah gak ada yang aneh emang karna dia dan 2 sepupuku lainnya memang sering nginap d rumah ku dan 1 lainnya emang menetap di rumahku.

Pipi bawa dvd korea, yah mau begadang gitu ceritanya. Lagi asik nonton sambil repot balesin bbm, facebook dan sms dari temen-temen yang ngucapin selamat, kakak sepupu aku yang lainnya datang habis pulang kerja, dia bawa makanan dan ngajak makan bareng. Romantis kan si ganteng?

Lagi asik makan, wandi sms aku, dia bilang abis pulang kerja ntar dia mau ke rumah aku. Yah aku masih menganggap dia dateng ke rumah jam 11 malem itu wajar karna dia gak bakal ada waktu untuk ke rumah kalau siang hari.

Asik banget ngobrol sama wandi tiba-tiba kak Halim keluar rumah (yah emang aku suruh nemenin ngobrol bareng sama wandi, soalnya agak gimanaaaaa gitu beduaan sama wandi di depan rumah), dengan muka yang “gak biasa”. Kentara banget nyembunyiin sesuatu. Dia gak bakal bisa bohongin aku, jelas lah, aku kenal dia seumur hidup aku!

Ternyata dan ternyataaa... dia nyembunyiin tepung dan beberapa telor dingin, ketauan banget ngambil dari kulkas :p


an annoying handsome!

yes it was very dirty but still must put my sweet smile :)

flour and eggs on my head

Pipi - Lika - Kak Halim *look at Pipi's face with eggs!

biar udah jelek gini, poto masih harus tetep senyum cantik dong ya!
and look! who was the one cleaning the living room in the middle of the night! :p
Setelah semua "kekotoran" itu selesai, aku mandi (yap! jam 1 malem mandi, bersihin tepun dan telor di badan yang sampe pagi pun masih banyak nempel di rambut).

Besok paginya, sarapan bubur ayam bareng keluarga dan makan malem bareng semuanya.. mama beli Tom Yam kesukaan aku!!

Hari ulang tahun bukan hanya tentang kue, lilin, kado atau perayaan.. Tapi sebuah kebahagiaan yang gak ternilai bisa datang dari kehangatan keluarga sekitar yang selalu memberikan rasa sayang melimpah ke aku yang bukan anak kecil lagi.. buat aku yang masih di timang di tengah keluarga.

Aku merasa Allah sangat sayang padaku..


ngerasa gak di post ini gaya menulisku beda dengan post-post sebelumnya? sepertinya gak ada "aku" dalam tulisan ini.. seperti bukan Salika yang biasa. apa cuma perasaanku? -_-